I AM VIRGINIA"Virginias first legally recognized slave was enslaved by a black man to protect him from slavery" | The Daily Network LLC info@JohnCasor.com 1-310-541-0015 All Rights Reserved Read the Screenplay |
Scene: 104 - EXT. BEACH - DAY - SOLILOQUYThe family is packing up a large, two-horse-team wagon. Theanimals and their pens are gone. Their corn crop remains inplace. The boys tie two horses to the back of the wagon. John Casor embraces Virginia, as they take one long lastlook at their paradise lost. Virginia smiles and nods. The family is moving slowly down the beach. Virginia’s twoyoung sons ride the wagon, piled high with theirbelongings, while she and John Casor follow on foot. She stops, turns, and walks inland. She gazes back andforth at the horizon. Her speech moves from grief to rage. John Casor wraps his arms around her, turns her, and thefamily continues their journey down the beach. SCROLL: In 1699, the Virginia Assembly ordered all recently freednegroes residing within the borders of the Commonwealth toleave, to help pave the way for the largest forcedmigration of people in human history. |